Thursday, July 5, 2007

Went to see Neil Armfield's 'Exit the King' on Tuesday night. Jeffery Rush was Amazing. I have never really gravitated towards Jeffery rush. This play changed my gravitation completely! I couldn’t help while watching, thinking I am watching someone who will definitely be deemed a legend in the future. I can’t really explain how sublime his performance was. He uses every inch of his body when delivering his lines. I was lucky to have a front row seat thanks to my trusty twin. To the tips of his fingernails, to his toes, he entertained. I Love absurdist plays... the dialogue was magical... It was most satisfying. A broken kingdom with an eccentric megalomaniac at the core, the critic loved this one!

"MAGNIFICENT PRODUCTION... the adaptability and ease of Rush's performance is staggering" SMH, 15.6.07

I also was thinking... this man has worked with joaquin phoenix! JOAQUINIEEEEEEE

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Strangely I saw this picture while Stevie Wonder's Superstition was playing.
Too perfect!
All moved in.
We are officially newtownites, drinking at the townie at 4am confirms this!
So are we getting along?
Well my room is officially the dressing room. I am woken everyday by my housemate storming in at 7 am asking to wear something of mine, and then wanting me to suggest some accessories. Besides having to style someone half asleep at 7am, it's all-good.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Connected When?

NO Pay TV and NO Internet
make's donkey.. something, something....
Go crazy?
DOn't mind if i do....
Donkey has landed.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Last night in Petersham!!!
Bags are not packed
Wardrobe is full
Jewellery is still out

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Grandfather: 83

Worst QUOTES from family gathering.

"Genetic time with gene wilder"
"Fatlova, pre oprah's weight loss"
"I'm scared of pavlova.. i think it's the puffyness"
"I am the music"
"I was voted employee of the month because i was wearing alfoil"

*One of these quotes was said by Barry Manilow

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I received a phone call while packing: Someone called work this morning to inform them that she would not be in today as she did not have enough money to catch the train.