Thursday, July 5, 2007

Went to see Neil Armfield's 'Exit the King' on Tuesday night. Jeffery Rush was Amazing. I have never really gravitated towards Jeffery rush. This play changed my gravitation completely! I couldn’t help while watching, thinking I am watching someone who will definitely be deemed a legend in the future. I can’t really explain how sublime his performance was. He uses every inch of his body when delivering his lines. I was lucky to have a front row seat thanks to my trusty twin. To the tips of his fingernails, to his toes, he entertained. I Love absurdist plays... the dialogue was magical... It was most satisfying. A broken kingdom with an eccentric megalomaniac at the core, the critic loved this one!

"MAGNIFICENT PRODUCTION... the adaptability and ease of Rush's performance is staggering" SMH, 15.6.07

I also was thinking... this man has worked with joaquin phoenix! JOAQUINIEEEEEEE

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Strangely I saw this picture while Stevie Wonder's Superstition was playing.
Too perfect!
All moved in.
We are officially newtownites, drinking at the townie at 4am confirms this!
So are we getting along?
Well my room is officially the dressing room. I am woken everyday by my housemate storming in at 7 am asking to wear something of mine, and then wanting me to suggest some accessories. Besides having to style someone half asleep at 7am, it's all-good.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Connected When?

NO Pay TV and NO Internet
make's donkey.. something, something....
Go crazy?
DOn't mind if i do....
Donkey has landed.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Last night in Petersham!!!
Bags are not packed
Wardrobe is full
Jewellery is still out

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Grandfather: 83

Worst QUOTES from family gathering.

"Genetic time with gene wilder"
"Fatlova, pre oprah's weight loss"
"I'm scared of pavlova.. i think it's the puffyness"
"I am the music"
"I was voted employee of the month because i was wearing alfoil"

*One of these quotes was said by Barry Manilow

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I received a phone call while packing: Someone called work this morning to inform them that she would not be in today as she did not have enough money to catch the train.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Why do I do this shit??

I have formed a relationship with a stylist. She wanted me to dress 6 models for a catwalk at the convention centre for the Hair expo. Oh my god.. Words cannot explain the anger that was burning within me yesterday… This hairdresser woman... I am digging my nails into my skin just thinking of her. I felt like ripping off her nose and making her eat it. She was throwing my garments around the room. Literally! She threw my garments!!!!! I will never work with those people again. It was a complete waste of time. I hate fucking expos... they are so tacky. The only thing I got out of it was this awesome picture that jess took!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007


June is my lucky month!

Ummm the bag donkey is leaving Petersham!
poverty here i come!
Good things happen to me in june! I love june. Go the june. Everybody needs a bit of june.

Gave notice to turrella town.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Looks like i will be vacating turrella town very soon.
I am trying to think of what to say, and how to say it.

'Welcome to strathfield'

I was awake in bed last night- around 4pm, and all of a sudden I could feel my heart beat- it was really weird, then immediately I thought of the Strathfield massacre.
18 years ago…

We had just moved from a friendly suburban town to the suburb of Strathfield. Classified as a good area- with catholic private schools, cute federation and Victorian houses.... a place my mother had always wanted to live.

Strathfield plaza was a little shopping mall with the basics. Jessica and I were 5 years old.

At around 1:00 p.m., 33-year-old Frankum went to the Strathfield Plaza. He sat in a cafe called The Coffee Pot, where he drank a number of cups of coffee. Jessica, Mother and I were buying bread from a free-stand stall. All of a sudden a woman screamed “get down” for some bizarre reason I thought it was a bomb- Jessica thought it was a spider because right next to us the coffee shop went chaotic- people jumping on chairs, over railings, soon enough the whole place was screaming. And there he was....

At approximately 3.30 p.m., Frankum pulled a large knife from an army surplus duffel bag and stabbed two teenage girls who were sitting next to him, killing one and badly injuring the other. Blood was everywhere. Leaving the knife in the body of one of the girls, he pulled a semi-automatic rifle out of his duffel bag and shot around the cafe, killing several more people. (note- this cafe is in the open of the mall- it has no walls) He then shot the cafe's owner dead and fled into the main area of the mall.

Now the guy was right next to us. He jumped behind our counter. Mother grabbed my hand and we fled, screaming and crying... we soon realised we had left Jessica... I turn around and there is poor little Jessica standing amongst running people, blood, standing there.. Crying her heart out holding a little elephant. I can still see her playing with this little elephant with cut mirrored pieces covering its body. We run back, grab Jessica. She drops the elephant and we again bolt for the exit. We couldn’t just run out of the plaza, we nwere at the other end of the entrance. We had to run back to the car park. Now.. He was behind us.. Shooting like a mad man. People were falling to the floor. The one distinct memory I will never erase from my memory is running to the ramp, there was an elderly woman at the bottom of the ramp trying to move- she had a walking chair, she was going so slow.. We pushed right passed her... mum apologising! he was right behind us…
Running up the ramp, it felt like it would never end…

We are now in the car park.. Running for our car. Mum is frantic... she is trying to find our car!! He is now on our level, still firing shots.
We get into the car, mother tells us to duck and sit in the feet area in the back seat. He is now next to our car, he walks two cars in front. Mother finds the exit, however instead of going out the exit, she has gone down the entry... cars are coming up, she is screaming "don’t go in there! He's shooting!!!"

Frankum ran into the roof top car park and held a car owner at gunpoint and demanded that she take him to Enfield, a nearby suburb. Before the terrified woman could start her car, the police began to arrive on the scene. Hearing the approaching sirens, Frankum apologised to the woman and then got out of the car, knelt on the ground and shot himself in the head, committing suicide.
Frankum's spree had lasted 10 minutes. It felt like a lifetime. He had killed seven people and injured six

We got home... all three of us vomiting the experience out of us!
I can remember everything.

Counselling soon followed, Jess and I would have sessions together, drawing what we saw, then drawing our safe places we would like to be. I drew a gold tree. We were given meditation music to help make us fall asleep. I really hadn’t thought about it, but I had a lot of trouble being home by myself for a long time. To the age of 15, I would have huge panic attacks being home alone. I remember holding keys and phone with me at all times. Even when people called and asked for my parents, I wouldn’t say they weren’t home in fear of the person on the other end knowing I was alone.

Anyway we were so lucky! SOOOO lucky! Jessica dropped her goodluck elephant that day. She now has a collection over a 100.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


So, after feeling incredibly guilty for not being apart of the planning and organising of this exhibition, matters were made worse when I was the only participant who got media coverage. I arrive there today, expecting to just walk around, answer a few questions when asked. Instead I realise I am there to try and get people to sign up membership. Now, don't get me wrong, I appreciate everything this Organisation is doing, I value the opportunity and realise it is only fair to give back to the Organisation that was allowing me to exhibit. However there is nothing I hate more than trying to convince people to spend money! Also to put moral pressure on them to feel obliged to do the right thing is even worse! Not only did I have to now do this, but I was being monitored, plus at the same time I was meant to be pushing a plastic fold up clothesline (which required no pegs) You try selling a clothesline! Everyone freakin has a clothesline! no one wants to spontaniously purchase another one... who cares that it requires no pegs... what is everyone meant to do with their existing pegs??? more plastic to throw away! WHAT the hell.

Moving on..... Half way through the day a strangely familiar man approached me. He asked me a few questions, stated that he had seen me in the paper. The man then asked me if the work I was exhibiting was my Lancôme work. I said "No. You know about Lancôme do you?" he said yes. I said "how?" he said "Because I am the head of design at your university" I am such a dick. Lucky I wasn’t doing my job properly and didn't push the clothesline!

On top of the cringing-ness of my ignorance and me trying to sell an Organisation, clothes line and the four eyes monitoring me, when I was asked specifics about my project, and people wanting my business card, I was repeatedly reminded that this was not a personal exhibition- I was there to promote the Organisation.

At the end of the day, I was asked if I would be interested in donating one of my designs for the exhibition to take overseas. hmmmmmmmmm the right, selfless thing to do would be to say yes. The automatic, gut reaction was....pfffft... Are you mental?....(That’s for the plastic clothes line!)

Friday, June 1, 2007


4:15 am- check phone, delete old messages
8:12 am- wake up call from damien
8:30 am- call from nadia
8:40 am- I call real estate- answering machine
8:55 am- I call real estate again- answering machine
9:01 am- I call real estate, half asleep secretary answers- No help
9:03 am- Helen messages
9:05 am- Google real estate- get property managers mobile number
9:15 am- Message from jeremy
9:30 am- I call property manager- answering machine- I leave a msg

10:00 am- Decide to go to newtown
10:30 am- still procrastinating
11:00 am- missed call while getting ready
11:10 am- Walk to station
11:26 am- On train
11:33 am- Arrive at Newtown
11:34 am- Piss woman off by looking through a whole magazine at a newsagent station stand
11:37 am- Enter Uturn op shop, identify several things i want- see a bag for jess
11:40 am- purchase a fish pendant from Uturn
11:41 am- Enter Op shop next door
11:43 am- Mother calls
11:50 am- purchase 2 necklaces
12:00 am- Enter bad op shop full of shit, talk shit with owner
12:07 pm- Helen messages
12:08 pm- I call helen
12:10 pm- Sit down for lunch
12:14 pm- We order tuna salad and eggplant wrap
12:15 pm- Message from Jeremy
12:29 pm- food is ready
12:36 pm- Message from jeremy, realise he is across the road at Newscaf
12:43 pm- Jeremy crosses the road
12:44 pm- Jeremy eats remainder wrap
12:46 pm- Jeremy leaves
12:55 pm- Jeremy returns and leaves
12:58 pm- roll a cigarette
1:07 pm- pay and leave
1:13 pm- walk into Chemist
1:14 pm- Jessica decides to buy eyeliner
1:15 pm- Jessica reconsiders as there is no mascara left, she can't buy another brand- everything must look uniformed
1:15 pm- Jessica buys eyeliner
1:18 pm- Enter Chemist across the road
1:18 pm- Jessica is delighted as she finds same brand mascara
1:20 pm- Enter station- Just miss train
1:27 pm- Message from Jeremy
1:29 pm- Pendant i bought broke
1:36 pm- On train
1:40 pm- Off train
1:42 pm- Find gum in bag
1:45 pm- Home
1:48 pm- On lounge with laptop
2:45 pm- put on 'An inconvienient truth'
4:00 pm- Nicole calls
4:15 pm- Tiff with jessica
4:30 pm- message from damien
4:45 pm- Call from nicole
5:00 pm- Call from mother
5:04 pm- Call from jeremy
5:20 pm- Message from helen
5:30- 7:11- Laptop fun
7:11 pm- Abc news and Dinner

Monday, May 28, 2007


I can do anything you can do better.. I can do anything better than you!
So... The memory bank starts.. and donkey soon follows....

Quotes of the day:

"Don't be too mean"
"Don't wreck my blog"

Am I that mean?